Teamwork Trust Service Users will be taking part in this years Waendel Walk, participating in Sundays 10km walk.  Those that walk also take pride in sharing this news with family , carers and friends to be able to fundraise for Teamwork Trust.  

Come rain or shine, we will be motivating ourselves to walk this distance with the knowledge we have YOU behind us.

Sundays walk on May 19th will be headed up by Judy our fundraising executive, our Service Users supported by Staff and Volunteers.

Teamwork Trust provides Living and learning activities to the service users.

Challenge Completed - Thank you for supporting us

View our photos here

“We work hard to transform day-to-day living experiences into impactful learning opportunities. Our service users help to steer and plan everything we do."

If you would like your own fundraising page for this event please click HERE

Simply Donate Here

Chat with Judy HERE