Dreams have come true as service users take a trip and enjoy their first ever holiday

March 2023: A group of service users from Teamwork Trust have enjoyed their first ever holiday – thanks to a generous donation from the Landmark Trust.

For many of the charity’s service users - autistic adults, people with learning disabilities and individuals with mental health needs - leaving Northamptonshire and going on holiday has rarely, and in some cases never, been an option. 

For one group this has now changed, with suitcases packed and unpacked and new memories made.

Donald, one of the charity’s six happy holiday goers, said: “We stayed in a landmark house, visited the seaside, and had a trip to Duxford’s Imperial War Museum where we saw Concorde, vintage cars and military vehicles. We also visited a brewery in Southwold which was very interesting.”

Friend and fellow service user John added: “I had such a good time and loved the chips by the sea, just amazing.”


Danny added: “I liked Duxford, that was my highlight – oh and drinking beer! It was so nice to meet new people and make new friends.”

Michael said: “I loved everything our holiday. My highlights were visiting Adnams Brewery Tour and a museum in Bury St Edmunds. Cavendish Hall was incredible too, with 30 acres of land so we loved exploring.”

Victoria Bell, Head of Programmes, Health and Social Care at Teamwork Trust, explained: “We have a growing number of service users who live independent lives with limited support, which often means they rarely, if ever, have the chance to go on holiday.  

“Thanks to this donation we were able to take six of our service users on holiday – and for many this was their first time outside Northamptonshire in the last 10 years, other than the odd day trip we organise as a charity. I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped make this trip happen and the generous donations made by local people and businesses which enabled us to treat our service users to trips out, ice creams on the beach, fish and chips and an afternoon tea.”


This donation from the Landmark Trust is part of a programme, made possible by the Movement for Good Award from the Benefact Group, which offers 50 breaks in March, at selected Landmarks across the UK. 
