Former trustee helps to ‘broaden horizons’ for Northamptonshire charity service users

August 2023: A former trustee from Teamwork Trust has inspired our service users by sharing her travel stories and experiences - all part of the charity’s ‘Broadening Horizons’ programme. 

Our ‘Broadening Horizons’ programme was launched as part of our 40th birthday celebrations, and we are appealing for local businesses and community leaders to pop in to share their stories, experiences and adventures.

Rachael Collins, 30, who first start volunteering in her teens and later became a trustee, visited our Corby site earlier this month, just a few days before leaving the country to go travelling. 

Rachael said: “I loved volunteering with Teamwork when I was at school and wanted to continue my involvement as a trustee. I left the charity when I moved to London, but delighted to be invited back to chat about my imminent travels.”

“The service users seemed really engaged and interested in my presentation about the Himalayas -they asked a lot of really good questions and were chatty throughout. I think they enjoyed seeing some funny photos of me on the mountain and learning more about Mount Everest. My mum came along and dressed up as a mountaineer to show some of the equipment needed in the mountains… this had lots of people laughing! 

“I am currently on a sabbatical in South America, and I’m staying in contact with Teamwork Trust during my time in Ecuador. I’m hoping to share some videos and pictures to further inspire service users about travelling.”  

Victoria Bell, Teamwork Trust’s Head of Programmes, Health and Social Care, said: “Thank you, Rachael, for speaking to our service users – the talk was insightful, educational and extremely beneficial to our service users to help them explore their possibilities and opportunities. Here at Teamwork Trust, we are dedicated to helping our service users access education and employment experiences, and find new opportunities in the wider community. This talk showed them that they can explore the world too.”

As part of our ‘Broadening Horizons’ programme, our Teamwork Trust team are inviting local people, groups and businesses to meet and talk to service users. We are a Northamptonshire charity and social enterprise which supports young people and adults who are autistic, have learning disabilities and/or have mental health challenges, to progress towards independence.  

We have three Day Centres – in Corby, Kettering and Wellingborough – and more than 120 service users from around the county.

The service users have a long wish list of speakers, and would love to hear from a range of businesses who would like to share their life and career experiences. This could include people with a passion for sport and those working with animals including vets, to healthcare organisations and estate agents. 

If you are interested in visiting Teamwork Trust and talking to service users as part of the Broadening Horizons programme, please contact our team:

Could you be our New Trustee ?