Maybo Training - Healthcare

As part of our move to support a more diverse set of service users in our living and learning offer, all of our front of house staff have undertaken MAYBO training over the course of this learning at work week.  We all gained a lot from the e-learning we have been doing over the past 8 weeks but these face to face sessions have given us so much more.  Increasing our offer to support new service users into Teamwork is important for the development of our charity but also for our current service users who gain so much from interaction with their peers.

Maybo sets the benchmark for training in reducing and managing conflict and clinically related challenging behaviours. Our comprehensive training aims to help develop awareness and safer working practices in order to create positive and safer environments for service users and staff.

Thank you to our Trainer Alex Robinson for delivering 2 full days of training for our Living & Learning Staff

A fun but informative day, including time for an excellent practical session


KF 'A great training day.  Really informative with effective skills that I can use confidently to diffuse or control situations that may arise'.

SB 'Great engaging training with useful techniques to take away and apply in the workplace if required.  It gave me an increased confidence to deal with potential difficult situations'.