Green fingered service get growing and sowing

May 2024: Green fingered service users from Northamptonshire charity Teamwork Trust are digging, planting, sowing and growing – all part of a new greenhouse and gardening project.

This has been made possible thanks to a recent donation of more than £1,100 from Kettering town councillor Keli Watts – part of the North Northamptonshire Council Councillor Empowerment Fund.

The new greenhouse, installed at Teamwork Trust’s Kettering centre, has empowered service users - autistic adults, people with learning disabilities and individuals with mental health needs – to plant their first vegetables and herbs. The funding has also equipped  the charity with new gardening tools, supplies and a much-needed storage shed. 


Oliver Healey, Teamwork Trust Transition Lead - Employability, said: “Thanks to this generous donation we have been able to purchase a greenhouse, supplies and tools, and a new shed. This will also help us expand our gardening programme into a year-round programme.

“Our service users will now be able to learn more practical skills as part of our living and learning programme and grow their own vegetables and herbs that can be used in our cookery sessions.”

To celebrate the launch of this greenhouse and gardening project, Teamwork Trust held an official opening event attended by Cllr Keli Watts and the Mayor of Kettering, Cllr Emily Fedorowycz. 

Service users are thrilled.

Ian: “The greenhouse will be a great chance for us to learn more about gardening and plants and if it goes well we could look into getting another one! I am looking forward to growing Brussel sprouts, carrots and salad leaves. When the veg is ready we will be using it in our kitchen instead of going to the shops for our veg.”

Evelyn added: “I am looking forward to growing peas, runner beans and peppers.”