Breaking down mental health stigma in the workplace is a top priority for Teamwork Trust – and our leadership team have signed up to a national social movement to prove it.

Managers and trustees signed the ‘Time to Change Employer Pledge’ in front of staff during an online celebration.

The pledge, which includes a detailed action plan throughout the year, is part of a national initiative to change the way people think and act about mental health at work – and leaders say signing it strengthens Teamwork Trust as the supportive, forward-thinking organisation that it is.

John Bruce, strategic director at Teamwork Trust said: “We support people with their mental health through our programmes, wellbeing activities and community counselling service – as a charity this is what we do. However, we must not forget that we are a responsible employer too, so it’s only right that we now show our staff we are equally committed to them.

“Signing this pledge and devising an action plan of activities and projects will help us grow and improve the open and understanding mental health culture we try so hard to embed at Teamwork Trust.”

Teamwork Trust already co-runs the community element of the Time to Change project in Northamptonshire with Kettering Mind, recruiting community ‘Champions’ to advocate mental health awareness across the county.

Kizzy Minter, engagement officer, leads on all of Teamwork’s Time to Change activities. She added: “We’re already planning more training opportunities for staff, we’ve revised our sickness and absence policy so that mental health is recognised and we are recruiting workplace champions – these are just some of the immediate changes which will help break down the stigma surrounding mental health. I can’t wait to do more.”

The Time to Talk Employer Pledge has been signed by over 1,500 organisations – that’s over four million people across England, representing over 10% of the working population in the UK.

For more information on Time to Talk visit: